The avalanche of Snow White

From DHD – Of the pack of Snow White projects racing towards the big screen, it looks like first off the mark will be Universal’s Snow White and the Huntsman, which has set Viggo Mortenson to play the Huntsman, Charlize Theron to play the evil queen, and has Kristen Stewart in negotiations to play Snow White (and she looks very likely to be locked soon.) Rupert Sanders will direct the re-imagining of the classic fairy tale, which follows the Huntsman who is sent to slay the teenage beauty by her evil stepmom the Queen, but instead takes the girl under his wings and teaches her how to survive in the woods.

Meanwhile over at Relativity, another Snow White remake, The Brothers Grimm: Snow White, is also moving full steam ahead, with Tarsem Singh (The Fall) set to direct and Julia Roberts cast as the evil queen. Relativity’s version is an edgier, modern take on the classic tale: after her evil stepmother kills her father and destroys the kingdom, Snow White bands together with a gang of seven quarrelsome dwarfs to reclaim what is rightly hers.

And don’t forget Disney’s long simmering project, Snow and the Seven, which recently brought on writer Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3), though producer Scott Rudin has left the project. Oh, and apparently in the Disney version, the dwarfs are Shaolin monks.

I guess the real question is – how much Snow White can we take?