Bookish TV: a peek at returning favorites

It’s that time again – fall, when all our favorite shows come roaring back from hiatus with brand spanking new episodes. Take a peek at what’s to come:


Despite last spring’s dramatic finale, I suspect this show’ll be back to business as usual in no time flat, but getting there should be fun…


They finally took the leap and paired off our dynamic duo – so sit back, relax, and watch the fireworks…

Downton Abbey

Season three is certainly looking… Very British. Other than that, it’s hard to say.


So here’s what we know: we’re returning to 2036, where Team Fringe will be faced with taking on the Observer occupation – because of course this show would go back to the future…


Well, well, well – it definitely looks like Emily is going to be in hot water this season…

Once Upon A Time

So Belle is back, and will be sticking around all season, and Hook and Mulan are moving into town. Oh yeah, and the magic? It’s bbbbbaaaaaaaaaccckk…

So looks like a promising crop, no? Clear some space on your DVRs, folks, ’cause it’s show time…