BBC One to reveal The Secret of Crickley Hall

BBC One is planning a spooky Halloween – the Beeb has commissioned a three part series based on The Secret of Crickley Hall, a horror novel from bestselling author James Herbert, who has been called Britain’s answer to Stephen King.  An old-fashioned ghost story of the door-rattling kind, Crickley Hall revolves around a creepy Gothic-style haunted mansion in Devonshire that was once a home for orphans. Joe Ahearne (Apparitions, Dr. Who) is set to pen and direct the adaptation.

Book Jacket:

Would you stay in a haunted house for more than one night?

Would you live in a place where ghostly things keep happening? Where a cellar door you know you locked the night before is always open the following morning?  Where hushed whimpering is heard?  Where white shadows steal through the darkness?  Where the presence of evil is all around you?

Would you?  Should you?

The Caleighs did, but they had their reasons.  They should have known better though.  As the terror mounts, they begin to regret their decision.  As the horror rises, they realize their very lives are at risk….and so is their sanity.  For the secret of Crickley Hall is beyond all nightmares.

You can read an excerpt here.